**sighs** Image..
Chin settled on khaki clad propped up left knee with the right leg dangling aimlessly on the side of the bed. Back leaning on a mountain of multicolored mismatching pillows surrounded by strewn about calculus book and study guide along with 700 written pages of formulas, one pack of unopened players light ciggerattes, a bottle of fresca lemonade, a kleenx box, 40 caryola markers, a plate with two libna sandwichs with zatarr and a three packs of hershey sticks with caramel filling. Black chinese imbordered cap shoved down messy untamed hair partially covering a face that seems to be fixed in a bewildered expression. Red eyes framed with dark circles and a slightly arched right eyebrow stare cluelessly at an upside down sheet explaining limits of functions. Chapped bottom lip caught in between relentlessly biting teeth. Right hand index finger with chewed down nail taps absently on slightly crooked it nose. Upper torso hunched and cover with real madrid jersey sways back and forth...